Getting a higher pay elsewhere is the biggest contributing factor for hospitality staff changing their jobs. Especially stewards and captains, tend to switch jobs a lot for a pay difference which varies only a couple of thousands but it’s a big difference.

In a lot of hotels/restaurants, salaries are not paid on time for whatever reasons. Employees are obviously affected due to this and thus they switch to places where they are paid are timely. A lot of these employees have their families dependent on them which make a late payment even more difficult to handle.

Many people work in the hospitality industry as a temporary solution, their goals or aspirations are not hospitality related and thus if there is an opportunity in their respective interest fields they leave the jobs to follow their passion. Hotel owners especially struggle with waiting staff as it’s the most common buffer job available.

Some restaurants and hotels don’t give enough facilities to their employees. Like if an employee is not a resident of the city his accommodation, that is, the staff room is many times is not properly maintained. It might be very unhygienic for one to work in. In such situations, an employee would switch to another hotel/restaurant where these facilities are adequate.

This is a problem mostly among the higher authorities of a hotel or a restaurant like assistant managers or managers. They prefer hotels with a better brand name as they ensure a better growth and a better career prospect in general and thus if they have an opportunity in a better brand they quit their current job.