Points to Check while hiring a restaurant manager
A restaurant manager is one such person, who shoulders the responsibility of finding, managing, organising and functioning of the restaurant. He or she must be a capable individual, who can be at the same time a leader of the staff and a friend. It is important to note that the person, who is hired for this position, holds maximum knowledge of the industry and shares a respectful dignity towards the job and the responsibilities, because at the end of the day, what matters most is the treat of the restaurant which will be personified by the Manager himself.
To help you to find the right person for this job, here are some of the points described, that will guide you on the right path to select the best manager, who will enhance the restaurant’s rank in the hospitality industry market.
1.Must have decent communication skills, with added looks.
A manager, whoever the person is , either a Male or a Female, must has to have decent communication skills , because the most important job of a manager is to talk with customers and create a report, that will reflect back the restaurant’s image positively in front of the customers. It is also important to note that a manager, should neither be too young, nor he should exceed the age of above 40 years of age. Young managers may lack experience of handling customers the right way, while on the other hand experienced managers will want to have more control over the overall functioning of the restaurant.
Another important point to look for in managers is their look. Should be decent looking, mannered, disciplined, polite and active listener. These points in a manager will surely bring in fortune to the restaurant.
2. Should be an extrovert, able to handle many things at a time.
As said previously, a manager must be both – a leader and a friend. A manager should have the knack to understand what is beneficial for the restaurant growth in the market sector. Manager must be able to handle the responsibilities chained with him, with no complains. He or She should have an understanding about managing crisis, hotel safety methods to be used in times of need, dealing with rigid customers in a polite conversation. A Manager with these skills co-ordinate the team better with each other and help them to maintain stability in the workforce.
3. Must be an Experienced Candidate.
Before zeroing on any person, one particular thing to look for is the experience the person has in the field. The person’s experience will talk more about his ability and his calibre. As fine and best is the experience of an individual, as will be the best individual to hire for the position. If the individual has an experience in managing a restaurant internationally or even in a 1st tier city, he has the cherry over the cake.
4. Must be a good inquisitor.
A manager should be able to find and choose a right candidate for any required position at the restaurant. For example – if while selecting a Asst. Manager- the Manager should look at the prospects of the candidate being a patient individual who is ready to dedicate a long term relation with the restaurant. Selecting such a candidate will help the restaurant to make a well bounded team, thereby rising its rank in the market sector.
So, here are the important points to consider while hiring a restaurant manager. Hope this will help you to choose the best candidate for your restaurant.
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