How to proceed with Hotel’s Kitchen waste disposal?
Do you know what is the one concern that troubles Hoteliers while closing their hotels for the day? It is Kitchen Waste Disposal!! Ya ya! You are probably thinking how does “Kitchen waste disposal” even compare to greater issues like customer retention. But honestly, this problem is a contradiction in itself.
7.6 billion is the world population. And it is increasing at the annual rate of 1.1%. So, the food requirement is increasing by leaps and bounds. But still, kitchen waste is increasing proportionally. This makes kitchen waste disposal a major issue. Loads of heavenly tasting food goes into trash bins everyday. This is despite the fact that thousands of people sleep with empty stomach.
So, it is very important to realize the importance of reducing and managing food waste. It is important for hoteliers to come up with a solid plan for kitchen waste disposal. Let’s begin with the 3 R’s of waste management we are all aware of. These are reduce, reuse and recycle. Here we give you a simple guide for incorporating them in your daily hotel practice.
Following are 3 steps to reduce your hotel’s kitchen waste in a smooth and simple manner.
Step 1 – Measure the food wasted
You simply have to start with sorting out your kitchen waste. Sort your kitchen waste into preparation, error and plate waste. Initially, take a record of all wasted food for a sample time period. This helps you evaluate your major waste producing sources. Hence this will help you design an efficient kitchen waste reduction measures.
Congratulations on taking your first step towards kitchen waste disposal.
Step 2 – Make a plan of action to reduce food wastage
Your action plan should include methods that focus on reusing supplies in such a manner that wastage is ultimately reduced. Some of the actions you can include in the plan are discussed below.
Prevent spoilage
This is the most basic step towards reducing wastage. Here you need to start by reviewing stocks for shelf life. Make sure that stock is rotated on a “First in, first out” basis as well. You need to store stock correctly, i.e. labeled with dates, in the right packaging and at the right temperature.
Plan menu and ordering options
The best way to reduce your waste generation is planning your menu and its plating proportions. Try to utilize some of the vegetable shavings for garnishing. And maybe fish bones and other pieces to make stock. Small tricks like these go a long way in reducing preparation waste.
While plating, remember, give your customers a choice of portion size. Because proportion control will not only reduce wastage when the customer is done eating but it will also help in maintaining cost consistency. Offer second servings and refills in smaller portions. It is a good idea to offer your customers an option to get their leftovers in a take- away packaging.
You are going in the right direction for better kitchen waste disposal.
Step 3 – Reviewing progress at regular intervals
Speaking to your staff is the key. Keep getting feedback from your staff on a regular basis. This helps in keeping yourself up to date with your hotel’s progress. Therefore you get to know your hotel better. Also, it helps keep your staff involved and motivated.
Kitchen waste disposal solutions
“Stop food from becoming waste.” Make this your kitchen waste disposal system. But of course, this is not always possible. This is because kitchens will always generate waste. However small or large it is. But let this not discourage you. There are simple solutions that will help with kitchen waste disposal. These solutions are eco-friendly and cost effective.
Use Excess food to feed the hungry
Help the poor. Feed the Hungry! This is the best thing you can do with your kitchen leftovers. You can fill the hungry stomachs. So, donate your food to food banks and charities. And they will ensure that your food reaches the needy.
Another way is to use preparation waste as cattle feed. And excess meat waste can be used to feed stray animals. Let;s just make sure that food is not wasted!
Recycle by composting or anaerobic digestion
A great way of recycling is composting. It is a natural and eco friendly way to convert any organic and biodegradable waste into fertilizers. Alternatively, you could recycle the same organic waste for anaerobic digestion. So, this will produce biogas when the waste decomposes. And this biogas is a very efficient fuel. It is used to generate electricity and heat.
These are very simple yet extremely effective methods that are used by many hotels across the world. You too could implement them easily and experience going green while making profit and generating goodwill. works to serve the hospitality by offering a platform where suppliers, hoteliers and job seekers can connect to each other seamlessly. For more information, visit our website