Little Things to Improve Customer Retention in Hotels
‘Satisfaction is a rating, but loyalty is a brand!!’ In hospitality, the easiest way to build customer loyalty is to improve customer retention.
The hoteliering business is becoming more competitive by the day. “Why so?” one may ask.Well, it is due to the extensive use of the ever-increasing sourcesand channels of discovery. These sources or channels may be online or offline modes. Moreover, the competition from homestay and budget hotels is also on the rise.Which is why hotels are practically splurging on social media campaigns,SEO and other forms of digital marketing. These new modes of marketing are being pursued alongside traditional marketing techniques. All these marketing techniques have the same end goal. To improve customer retention in their hotels.
So many choices leave the customer with a condition that the psychologists term “Post-purchase Dissonance”.Or in Layman’s terms a “Buyer’s remorse”. It basically means that the customer is either confused or dissatisfied with his decision. He is probably thinking that he could have gotten a better deal than the one he finalised. So, basically, the multitude of readily available options are not very favourable when it comes to retaining customers. In order to improve customer retention,many hotels have Customer Loyalty programs.These encourage customers to visit again by leveraging discounts, offers and facilities. These programs require a lot of efforts and planning in order to get effective results. But apart from this there are various little things that your hotel can do in order to improve their customer retention rate. Let us explore such options now.
Begin Communication Right After Booking
Communication is of prime importance in hospitality.This is because it is an indicator of your responsiveness and activeness. It is also vital for conveying important information.Different mediums can be used for such communications. Communication is the first step to improve customer retention.
Let us take an example of a hotel where a customer has just booked a room via an online portal. You immediately send an email regarding booking confirmation. Here you could also include a small surveyasking general things. Example the purpose of visit (business/leisure), mode to transportation (airplane/train/car) and their diet preference (veg/non-veg/vegan). Next, you should send your customer a text message with a booking iteration. This should be done a couple of days prior to their arrival. You can give your customers a choice to opt for premium level upgrades like hotel cab service, discounts on spas and salons.
Additionally, you could also add a link of activities, events or places of interest close by in the email. And finally, on the day of arrival, send a text message that gives directions to the hotel.
Understand Your Guest’s Needs
You have already taken the first step to improve customer retention.That is by actively communicating with your guests. By this point of time you already know their food preferences and means of transportation. Knowing your customer helps you to anticipate their needs.All you need to do is listen to them.Most customers are more than willing to share what they want.And they often let us know what will bring them back.
But always remember, a customer complains only when his needs and/or expectations are not met. Pay utmost attention to your customers. And try to resolve any issue as satisfactorily, discreetly and quickly as humanly possible. If in case a complaint can’t be addressed due to some reason, make sure you offer proper compensation. Also, humbly request for forgiveness.
Every Small Gesture Matters
Simple gestures like remembering your customers by name and getting their spelling right may seem trivial. But it has a huge impact on your customers. To improve customer retention, one must diligently remember these gestures.
You can also note down their preferences, likes and dislikes. Sending birthdays and anniversaries wishes may seem insignificant after the customer has left. But see it this way, out of the blue, a guest receives a warm wish from a hotelhe stayed at.It reminds them of your hotel along with all his pleasant memories. These memories promote a positive brand call. And a positive brand call is a one step forward on the path to improve customer retention.
Train the Staff for Consistency
Be it your guest’s fifth or fiftieth visit at your hotel. Their experience should be as good as their first visit, if not better. You can train you staff and provide them with appropriate tools, systems and skills so provide quality service. A staff that know what to deliver is the staff that gains customer loyalty.
To improve customer retention, it is necessary to have consistency in delivery of services. A regular briefing also helps the staff to understand who are your regular clients.And what type of services most of your guests expect. Make sure your staff is also trained to handle complaints promptly with confidence and authority. A quick and efficient grievance resolution makes a positive impact on guests.
Offer Customer Loyalty Perks
You don’t always have to set up complex loyalty schemes that keep your guests hooked. Small perks like discounts on add on or premium services also work like magic.Maybe even a complimentary meal on the next visit goes a long way and paves a path towards repeat visit. Or maybe you could offer free desserts for little kids that are with the guests. These little gestures of goodwill do leave a positive and lasting impact on guests.
Hence, these are the simple techniques to improve customer retention in hotels. These are summarized by Steve Jobs very beautifully. “Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves”.